Monday, November 18, 2013

The Mark of DC: Batkid, Batman/Superman movie, Assault on Arkham

Within the past weeks and throughout the next three years, DC comics will leave more of it's influence on the world, First, a young boy was given his greatest dream after he reached the milestone of 5 years old despite have Cancer since he was born, he was given the chance to be his favorite hero, Batman he became Batkid and helped Batman actors fight criminals in a Gotham city built over a section of San Francisco. This boy's dream was realized and could fight alongside his favorite hero. Second DC comics has plans for a crossover film between Batman and Superman, the actor to play Batman is most likely going to be Ben Affleck. DC has not decided who will play Superman. Finally the Batman Arkham video game franchise has become so popular that DC has planned to make an animated movie based off of the games, The film will be called Batman: Assault on Arkham. These are just some of the many projects DC has planned for the future.

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