Monday, October 7, 2013

Bat in the Sun's Superpower Beatdown

The Internet has many shows from Comedy to Romance to action to talk shows to everything in between, but for fans of who would win battles, my recommended show for hero face-off fans is Bat in the Sun's Superpower Beat down, the show that takes two super powered legends and makes them fight. Superpower Beat down has its similarities and differences compared to other face-off shows. For example, the show is similar to shows like Deadliest Warrior where the fight is performed by actors and is different from shows like Death Battle where the fight is performed through computer animation. The Winner is decided by which fighter gets the most votes from fans on their website. In My opinion the show is very exciting and really fun to watch. The fighters selected in the Show can be from Comic Books, Movies/television, and/or Video Games. Vote for whomever you think would triumph or watch some episodes using the link below and enjoy.

Nightwing vs. Gambit

Wolverine vs. Predator

Superpower Beat down website

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