Monday, April 28, 2014

Anime Monday: What if battle: Claymore vs. Attack On Titan

Today on Anime Monday I want to ask anime fans a question that has been buzzing in my head for months who would win in a fight, an army of Claymores or an army of Titans. For those of you who do not know one or the other just keep reading.

      Carry large Claymore swords                                                    

      Higher ranked claymores can move
      their swords faster than the human eye
      can see

      Possess enhanced agility, strength, speed, and

      Can regenerate from seemingly fatal wounds

      Can unleash their yoki power to increase
            their physical abilities

      Can be killed if beheaded or if their bodies are completely        


    Sizes range from 3-15 meters tall

    Possess incredible strength

    Special variant type can run or walk quickly

    Titan shifters contain intelligence

    Can be killed from a proper slash to the back
    of the neck

Hopefully you guys come up with your own conclusion, let me know who you think would win in the comment section and i'll see you guys for the next Anime Monday

1 comment:

  1. Claymore females wins the battle. They are all exceptionally skilled fighters and their reflexes are so fast and half of AoT character would be completely wrecked by them. They are very quick learners.
