This series can only be described in one word, Colossal. The anime review today is on the smash hit series of 2013, Attack on Titan. This series follows male protagonist Eren Jaeger along with his adopted sister Mikasa Ackerman, and his best friend, Armin Arlert, as they join the military to put an end to the existence of the giant, man-eating, humanoid beings known as the Titans who have been decimating humanity's survival for the past 100 years. This struggle between Eren and the Titans really starts when Eren witnesses his mother being devoured by a titan, this traumatic event becomes an uncontrollable rage against the Titans as Eren vows to slaughter every last one. The series definitely deserves the hype that it gets and should be on every anime fan's shelf. The series is awarded a 9/10, this series is just amazing to see and in my opinion is nothing short of a masterpiece.
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Anime Review: Rosario + Vampire
Harems? must they be what everyone thinks they should be? or can they break the rules a little? Today's review is the 26 episode series Rosario + Vampire, a harem series that loves to break the rules of the typical harem. This series follows 1st year high school student, Tsukune Aono, who can't get into the school of his choice because he did not pass his entrance exams. But fear not, his father finds a paper dropped my a mysterious figure, this paper will allow Tsukune to go to high school. However, the academy he'll be attending is quite different, Tsukune is enrolled in Yokai Academy, a school full of monsters, with the intent to achieve coexistence between humans and monsters, but Tsukune is the only human there. At Yokai, Tsukune meets all sorts of creatures, from witches to succubi to orcs to even vampires and werewolves. One student in particular, is Moka Akashiya, a vampire girl with a eye for Tsukune. So between the monsters scaring him half to death and Moka drinking his blood everyday, this school will be tougher than he thought. Overall the series is filled with comedy and makes for a good comfort anime. The series gets a 6.8/10, this series has great moments of both comedy and action and I feel should be watched by any fan of monsters.
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