Monday, September 30, 2013

DBZ: Battle of Gods update and Battle of Z announcement

To update my previous information regarding Dragon ball Z: Battle of Gods, I have found out that to release the film over to the U.S. the film must be picked up by Fox in order to allow the American producers and directors to dub the movie in English. This is a process that can be very easy or can take years for a film to be released overseas. The date for the release of the film into the United States has not been officially confirmed but is estimated to be in 2014, hopefully it will be released soon so us fans will not have to wait any longer. Next, I ask you, how would you like to be able to play as all your favorite Dragon ball Z characters as well as Super Saiyan god Goku, and Bills, the God of destruction? well there is a new video game coming out in Japan that will allow this to come true. The newest DBZ game planned in Japan is called Dragon ball Z: Battle of Z, and will include the two new characters from the movie Battle of Gods. This game features the ability to run and allow other fighters in a team to fight a giant character at once creating a interactive battle that's more like the show then any other DBZ video game. The game also allows eight fighters in one battle and each character can work together and heal one another. This game also has special DLCs including Super Vegito, Super Saiyan Bardock, and for a 1 day edition special DLC, Goku in Naruto's Sage Mode outfit. The Game's release date is set for March 31, 2014, hope you DBZ fans are up for the battle.

Monday, September 23, 2013

The Final Resident Evil: Resident Evil 6 Armageddon

Screen gems has announced it, Paul W.S. Anderson will direct it, Milla Jovovich will star in it, now it's time to play the waiting game. After Resident Evil, Apocalypse, Extinction, Afterlife, and Retribution, the infamous zombie franchise will come to an epic conclusion on September 12, 2014. The film's synopsis has two sides, the first side involves Milla Jovovich returning to her role as Alice and teaming up with Albert Wesker, Jill Valentine, Leon S. Kennedy, Ada Wong, and Chris and Claire Redford to take on the Red Queen and her army of the undead. The other side involves Alice searching Umbrella Corp. for Matt, who has been mutating ever since Resident Evil: Apocalypse. I am not entirely sure which side Paul will use for the movie whether it will be the first, second, or both, one thing I am certain of is that the movie will be a fitting conclusion to the amazing tale of Alice vs. the T-Virus.

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Next Arkham: Batman Arkham Origins

The next Arkham game is coming and it gonna be incredible for all Batman fans. Now there will be some pluses and minuses compared to Arkham City. First, i'll start off with the bad news, to all that favor Kevin Conroy as the Dark Knight, i'm afraid that Kevin Conroy will not play as Batman in the new game. However, that was all the bad news everything from now on is good news. First, The Joker will appear in the game but he is not the main villain, as you all probably know Black Mask and Deathstroke are the two main villains. Second there are new gadgets and abilities for Batman including, a new gadget that allows you to set up different points along a group of criminals or an environment and shoot a wire cable in the direction of the points you set. There are also new takedowns, like the tightrope takedown where you can jump on an enemy and take them down from a tightrope. Detective mode has also been upgraded, you can now rewind time to look for things you may have missed, making the detective aspect more enjoyable. The game looks awesome and has an incredible story to it so be sure to pick up your copy on October 25, 2013. Return as the Dark Knight to play the origin of his fight against Black Mask and eight assassins he has sent to kill Batman, all on Christmas eve. Be sure to play and enjoy, I know I will.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Ben Affleck as Batman? and Green Lantern reboot

After the Dark knight trilogy, DC comics unveiled their plan to make a Justice League movie in 2015, however there have been some issues in their plan. First, Cristian Bale, the actor who played Batman in the Dark knight trilogy did not want to play the caped crusader unless DC comics pays him an enormous amount of money for the role, DC comics, however, is not okay with that deal so the search was on to find a new Dark knight. DC may have already found their new Batman, But to many fans disgust, they may choose Ben Affleck, who previously played Daredevil in the 2003 Marvel film to be the next Batman. The news is not official though so keep hope Batman fans. Second, for Green Lantern fans, I know the Ryan Reynolds movie wasn't the best( it was the worst), but DC is planning for a reboot of the movie with a different actor for the Justice league movie. So will there be a new Green Lantern, will Ben Affleck be the next Batman, the questions are still out and only time will tell of DC's plans.